Joy Chambley
Founder & President

Andrea Christmas: My name is Andrea Christmas, wife to Terry and mama to Ryan. How is my baby in middle school?!?! My heart is for mamas and pointing them to Jesus in every situation and season. Draw close to HIM, keep your eyes fixed on HIM and HE will give you peace.

Ginger Bubolo: I have two amazing boys, one in college at KSU and the other is in middle school at Mount Paran Christian School.
With a house FULL of boys, including our very energetic puppy, I truly enjoy spending my free time with other moms sharing our journeys, passions, and love for our Lord. “And we know that for those who love God, all things work together for good, for those who are called according to His purpose. “ Romans 8:28

JoAnn Aragon: I met the Lord 40 years ago, and just celebrated 25 years of marriage to my husband Gary. We met in South Florida in a group called IMPACT/Models for Christ and were worship leaders together. Gary and I have enjoyed the honor of being foster parents to 12 and adopting 7 kids, who are now 13-32, and I have 3 littles that call me Nana, Brayden 13, Bentlie 8 and Bailee 2. We enjoy opportunities to minister to people through spiritual warfare, worship and hospitality. In my spare time, I still have 4 I’m homeschooling.

Stephanie Newton: I have been married for 22 years and have three kids, ages 18, 16, and 14 that keep me busy! My daughter and youngest son swim competitively year round, are very active in their schools, and our church. He also plays soccer! Our oldest started college this year so we are on a new adventure having a college freshman! He also has Asperger’s Syndrome, high functioning Autism. I have a big heart for moms raising kids with Special Needs. I want them to know they are not alone, that they and their children are loved by our Heavenly Father! I love spending time with my family, reading and studying God’s Word, going to the beach, and watching a good Hallmark Mystery movie! The journey certainly is challenging, but it brings great joy like no other!!
Small Group Leader Bios

Joy Martin – I have been married to my Husband Mark for close to 22 years, and I am a true BoyMom! We have three teenage boys. Noah is 19, and in his first year at Mississippi State University. Luke is 16, and Isaiah is 14. I love being an active, busy BoyMom, it is my greatest Joy!

Lindsay Wade – My husband, Chris and I have been married since 2009 and have two young boys, Gregory and Kyle. I live life with a lot of humor, honesty and love! Professionally, I started my career in the luxury automotive sector. Once I became pregnant with our first son, we made the decision that I would become a full-time mom. Now that my boys are a bit older, I have moved to my true passion of design and I am the Design Manager for a local builder. I love getting involved when I can at my kids’ schools and I am a Championship T-Ball Coach.
In 2018, I was introduced to MWS by a friend, instantly fell in love, and I’ve been hooked ever since! This ministry has brought me so much closer to God and has brought so much JOY to my life. My hope is that each session will bring one more mom closer to Him and that it will positively impact the lives of the women in our local community.

Lisa Garland: I have been married for 25 years. I have 4 children- 20 year old twin boys (sophomores in college), a 16 year old daughter (10th grade) and a 13 year old boy (7th grade). I love spending time with my family, preferably outside or at the beach! I love learning and growing alongside other moms and encouraging them in whatever stage of mothering they’re in. I also love sharing with my younger moms things I wish I had learned earlier.

Brittany Flem – My husband John and I have been married for 13 years. Our entire marriage, the Lord has challenged us to follow His lead, no matter how crazy! It started with 8 years of infertility that led us to foster care – a truly wild, sanctifying, God-filled story. We adopted our 2 oldest children through foster care: Ava, age 6 and Maverick, age 5. God gave us the desire for more children and led us to embryo adoption (another story full of God winks) that gave us our youngest – Tavor, almost 2 – and a future baby we intend to transfer very soon! Finally, God led us to move our family across the country all the way from Washington State in the beginning of 2022. We moved away from all our family and friends. I desperately prayed that God would give me a Bible study group similar to what I had in WA. As Joy often says, “Won’t He do it!” I found MWS and have been rejoicing ever since at God’s providence.
The enemy wants you to feel separated, alone, and misunderstood. My heart’s desire is to link arms with my sisters in Christ through all seasons; supporting each other through joys and sorrows by saying “I see you and I’m with you”. Galatians 6:2 says “Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” Let’s fight our spiritual battles together. You are not alone!


Betsy Franklin – Hi, I’m Betsy—a former hairstylist turned stay-at-home mom to two silly kids, Colton (5) and Elle (3). My husband Tyler and I are in the thick of parenting little ones, and I’m LEARNING to embrace this season with grace and gratitude.