One of the most well-known lines in the movie, The Help, is spoken by Aibileen, a young girl’s nanny and family housekeeper. She repeatedly and lovingly showers the girl with the affirmation, “You is kind, you is smart, you is important.” If you’ve seen that movie at all, you’ll likely feel a flood of emotion over the sweet scenes. Yes, the sweet girl is kind, smart and important. We believe that for her. But do we believe it for ourselves?
God repeatedly tells us how important we are. He lavishes us with affirmations throughout His word – telling us that we are precious, honored and loved (Isaiah 43:4), beautiful (Isaiah 61:10), accepted (Romans 15:7), His (John 17:9), holy and dearly loved (Colossians 3:12), heirs (Galatians 3:29, 4:7), royalty (Romans 5:17, 8:16-17), and blessed (Jeremiah 17:7). But do you believe that? Or do you choose to believe the lies that the world would tell you…that you aren’t ___________ enough (Insert lie(s) in the blank). Because those words contradict the truth…you know that, right???
Today, who will you choose to listen to? Today, spend time identifying the lie and replacing it with truth. Truth of who you are because of WHOSE you are. If you’re struggling in a certain area, find the truth in scripture and write it out, place it on your mirror or in your car, at your desk or on your refrigerator. Remind yourself that you are precious, you are loved, you are a royal heir with Christ, you are chosen, you are beautiful and you are blessed. You are HIS, constantly and unconditionally loved, dear sister!
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