Day 7

If worship is our response to what we value the most in our lives, what do you worship?   You see, we were created for worship.  All of creation was created to worship the Creator, to bring Him glory.  The heavenly host of angels never stops worshiping Him (Rev. 4:8)...

Day 6

Yesterday, my son, a prolific bird-catcher if there ever was one, brought a sparrow into my home office. Just as he entered, it escaped his grasp and began to fly around erratically, full of fear.  With intense focus, my bird-catcher was able to gently corral it,...

Day 5

Have you ever considered that surrendering to the Lord- and by this I mean, surrendering control, worry, fear, pain, shame, bitterness – is an act of worship?     I wonder sometimes, “Who do we think we’re fooling?”  When we understand Who God is, why is it that...

Day 4

Think for a moment…when was the last time you made a decision out of fear?   I bet, if you’ve been awake today longer than a few hours, you’ve already done it.  Whether it was getting dressed out of fear of what people would say if they saw you at the bus stop in...

Day 3

One of the most well-known lines in the movie, The Help, is spoken by Aibileen, a young girl’s nanny and family housekeeper.  She repeatedly and lovingly showers the girl with the affirmation, “You is kind, you is smart, you is important.”  If you’ve seen that movie...