Welcome to Moms With Swords

Moms With Swords (“MWS”) exists to awaken a mother’s God given authority- therefore igniting generations to be faithful followers of Christ.

Fall 2024 Session

THROUGH: Spring 2024 Session
Starting: Thursday, August 29, 2024

Frequently Asked Questions

Check out some of the frequently asked questions from our visitors and friends.

MWS Testimonials

See how Jesus has transformed the lives and families of some of our moms at Moms With Swords!









Moms with Swords Generational Impact 

MWS has approximately 600 kids. Research suggests that a person has the opportunity to interact with approximately 80,000 people over the course of their lifetime. If we aim extremely conservatively, let’s say that number is 10,000. That means our 1,000 kids have the opportunity to interact with 6 million people in their lifetime. If they make a spiritual impact in as little as 1% of those people, that’s 100,000 people impacted for the kingdom of Jesus Christ. And that’s ONE generation.

Their kids will go on to impact their own kids, and those kids will impact their kids, and so on…..effectively impacting MILLIONS.

God only needs ONE. Moses led the people. Esther saved the Jewish people. Joseph saved Egypt from famine. Jesus change the world with 12 men. Rachel Scott had ONE youth pastor and she changed the world.

“One generation commends your works to another, they tell of you’re mighty acts.”
~Psalm 145:4

Our Story

In January of 2013, Joy Chambley felt God calling her to step out of the boat and open up her home to start a bible study specifically geared towards mothering. What started with 12 moms around a dining room table, has grown to over 200+ moms meeting each week. In February of 2015 we were able to file as an official 501c3. God has truly taken 5 loaves and 2 fish, and is feeding many. Our weekly meetings consist of a large group teaching session, then we break into smaller discussion groups. Another way we are reaching moms is through our weekly podcast. One of our key values at MWS’ is family transformation, and we are seeing that happen. We are so excited to be in the middle of a movement, we believe God is doing in the hearts of mothers, and that is awakening their God given authority to become spiritual warriors for their children…       read more

Large Group Study

As a group, we gather together to hear a teaching that applies the Word of God to our lives.  Each 8 week session focuses on an overarching Biblical truth that we examine as it relates to our walk as Christ-followers, mothers, and women.

Small Groups

Small Groups are our smaller group environment. This allows us to connect with one another on a more intimate basis. As a small group, we laugh, we cry, and we pray.


We want to be a community of women that serves and that teaches our children to serve. We look for several opportunities through the year for women to participate in service projects both with kids, and without.
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Moms with Swords - Leadership

Moms with Swords Blog:

In High Motion

Jesus said {to Peter}, “Don’t be so sure. Today, this very night in fact, before the rooster crows twice, you will deny me three times.”{Mark 14:30 – MSG} This morning, as I’m reading about Jesus’s impending arrest & betrayal in the gospel of Mark, I’m drenched in...

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How many times have you looked in the mirror, only to fix or change what you see? Clothes aren’t right. Hair isn’t right. Accessories aren’t right. Weight isn’t right. What about the pictures that you haven’t posted on your social media or have told someone else not...

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Still Frame

{The Vision} I looked out to see sheets of green dipping into valleys where early morning shadows hovered the moist earth, only to build up again into curved slopes where wind curled and crashed over top. From my mind’s eye, the hills stretched up, each touching the...

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